A Year in Girl Hell Read online

Page 25

  ‘’kay,’ I say, though I’m still not happy about it. Why can’t they copy Bella’s homework for a change? I quickly grab the books I need from my locker and stomp off after them to the humanities wing.

  We’re doing a unit called Customs and Culture in humanities. Everyone’s supposed to be researching a different custom from a country their ancestors came from, then reporting back to the class. My dad’s grandfather was Danish, and Denmark is one of the places the Vikings came from. So I’ve decided to do my report on how the Vikings used to hold big feasts and tell each other stories of their battles and victories.

  Fiddles calls the roll and then asks if there’s anyone who’s ready to give their report today.

  Lily Liu sticks her hand up. ‘I will,’ she says.

  ‘Excellent,’ Fiddles says. ‘Thank you, Lily.’ He moves aside so she can come to the front of the class.

  Lily’s report is all about foot-binding in China. I listen, horrified, as she explains how for hundreds of years little girls had their toes and arches broken, then each foot tightly bound, just so their feet would be tiny when they grew up. And all because it was supposed to make them look more beautiful. There were some other reasons too, but that was the main one. The whole foot would end up about eight or nine centimetres long, and most of the girls were crippled for life. They couldn’t ever walk properly again. My toes curl just thinking about it.

  At the end of her speech, Fiddles asks if anyone would like to comment on what we’ve just heard.

  ‘That’s disgusting, sir,’ Effie Tsimas says. ‘Breaking the bones in your feet, just so you look good.’

  ‘Yeah,’ agrees Paige. She waggles her finger in circles near her ear. ‘Real fruit loop stuff.’

  A few of the guys make snorting sounds.

  Fiddles raises his eyebrows. ‘Maybe. But they didn’t really get much choice in the matter. It was the fashion of the time. Just like women who had themselves laced into whalebone corsets so their waists would be tiny. Lots of them fainted, you know. They couldn’t breathe.’

  ‘Eeuw,’ says Bella. ‘You’d never get me wearing one of those.’

  ‘But you like to keep up with fashion, don’t you?’ Fiddles presses her. ‘Wear all the latest clothes the magazines tell you to?’

  ‘Well, sure,’ says Bella, ‘but –’

  ‘And if the fashion gurus dictated that tiny shoes or skin-tight tops were going to be all the rage this season, and people made fun of you for not wearing them, even though they were physically uncomfortable, what would you do?’

  Bella pouts. ‘I don’t know. I’d still wear them, I guess.’

  ‘Even if it made it hard for you to breathe?’

  ‘Sure. Why not?’

  Fiddles smiles, like it’s the answer he expected Bella to give. He turns to me. ‘How about you, Alysha? What do you think?’

  But I’m not sure what to say. I’m still thinking about those poor girls in China, hobbling around on tiny stumps.

  One part of me wants to say it shouldn’t matter what other people think about what you wear. You should just do what you want, whenever you want.

  But another part – the part that has to get through each day, that needs to be noticed – knows that it does matter. It matters a lot.

  I sneak a look at Paige and Jayde, sitting at the next table, aware that what I say next will be discussed and judged by them later on. Their eyes are alert, waiting on my answer.


  I shrug. ‘I’m not sure what you mean, sir,’ I say, hoping he’ll move on to someone else. Beside me, Paige and Jayde nod and smile. I relax, knowing that I’ve said the right thing. Clothes and appearance and other people’s approval mean everything to them. If I’d gone for my first response, I’d be admitting I didn’t belong in their group. I’d no longer be a shiny.

  Lexi, who’s sitting next to Effie, turns around and catches my eye. She slowly shakes her head, then turns back to the front.

  Yeah, well, sucks to you too, I think. Why does she always have to act like she’s better than me?

  Fiddles throw his hands in the air. ‘Anyone? Come on. Someone must have an opinion on this.’

  Stacey waggles her hand in the air. ‘I think the issue here,’ she says, looking around the class to make sure she has everyone’s attention, ‘is that some of us do stuff that mightn’t be good for our bodies, just so we can look good. Like those women who laced themselves into the tight corsets. Is that right, sir?

  Fiddles beams at her. ‘Exactly,’ he says.

  ‘Suck,’ Jayde whispers to Paige, loud enough for the people sitting around us to hear. A few of them snigger.

  ‘Can anyone think of another example?’ asks Fiddles.

  Stacey’s hand shoots skywards again before anyone else has a chance to answer. ‘Catwalk models?’ she says. ‘You know, they wear those really high heels when they do fashion shows? And they’re always falling off them and hurting themselves?’

  ‘Well done, Stacey. Plus, high heels are very bad for your posture.’

  ‘You’d know, sir,’ Nick calls out from the back row.

  Everyone laughs. Fiddles sends him a greasy.

  ‘Okay, now, the point I’m trying to make is that people do lots of strange and bizarre things in the name of fashion. Put your hand up if you’ve ever – and I want you to be honest here – ever worn something that’s maybe been just that teensy bit uncomfortable. Come on, I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of it at some stage. Even me. What about the girls?’

  All the girls – except for Stacey, of course – glare at him. Like we’re going to admit something like that!

  Then Lily takes him on. She sounds really angry. ‘But it’s not the same thing, is it?! Wearing high heels or a top that’s too tight isn’t the same as having your toes broken, just so some guy can say his wife has the most beautiful feet in the kingdom.’

  Fiddles starts to answer but I tune out and listen in to the muffled conversation coming from the table next to me instead.

  ‘Now, do you think?’ Paige is saying.

  ‘Yep, now is perfect,’ Jayde replies, taking a deep breath and holding it, her fingers pinching her nostrils closed, her mouth and eyes clenched shut. I watch in awe as the colour drains from her face.

  Paige’s voice cuts through the discussion. ‘Sir? Sir? Jayde’s really sick. I think she’s going to faint or something.’

  Fiddles stops talking. Everyone stares as Jayde collapses dramatically onto the table top.

  ‘Quick! Call an ambulance!’ Nick calls out.

  ‘And the fire brigade! That girl is hot!’ adds Jack, laughing.

  Fiddles rushes over to her table, totally fooled. ‘Jayde?’ he blurts. ‘Are you okay?’

  Jayde lets out a little moan. Behind her, Bella snorts, then covers her mouth with her hands before Fiddles catches her out.

  ‘Has she ever done this before?’ Fiddles asks Paige, his voice worried.

  ‘A couple of times,’ Paige says. ‘It’s not so bad if she can lie down.’ Then she beckons Fiddles to move in closer and whispers something in his ear. I catch the words ‘period’ and ‘cramping’ and maybe even ‘blood’.

  The tips of Fiddles’ ears go pink. He straightens up again. ‘Perhaps you better take her down to the sick bay then,’ he tells Paige.

  ‘Yes, sir, straight away, sir,’ Paige says, giving me a secret thumbs-up signal. She scoops up her books and pencil case, adds Jayde’s stuff to the pile, then helps her out of the classroom and down the corridor towards the sick bay.

  Where of course they’ll be sitting right now, furiously copying out my life-cycle-of-a-frog homework before the bell rings and it’s time to hand it in to Bishop.

  Chapter 7

  tuesday lunchtime

  Paige and I are just settling ourselves on our bench, hiking up our summer uniforms for a bit of a leg-tanning session, when Tai Sumner stops in front of us. Thinking it’s going to be Paige he wants to talk to, I prepare to look a
way. But his words make me jump.

  ‘Hey, Alysha, isn’t it? How’s it going?’

  Huh? Tai Sumner just spoke to me. Me! Beside me, Paige stiffens. She must be wondering why Tai’s said hi to me and not her. And why he knows my name. How does he know my name?

  I take a deep breath. Be cool, I tell myself. You can do this.

  ‘Umm … good?’

  Was that the right answer?

  Tai sticks his hands in his pockets. ‘I saw your name on the audition sheet for that play Mr C’s putting on. You know. Drac?’

  ‘Uh-huh,’ I say. ‘Yeah. I wrote it there yesterday.’

  ‘And mine,’ Paige butts in. ‘My name was there too.’

  Tai nods at her, then sits down on the bench beside me.

  ‘So,’ he continues. ‘You planning on going for a singing role? Cos I remember you from the Starsearch comp.’

  ‘You do?’ I say.

  ‘Sure. I was helping Mr C with it. Organising the order the acts went in. Letting people know when they were due on stage. That kind of stuff. What was the name of your band again? Pink Elf, or something?’

  ‘Pink Inc.,’ I correct him.

  ‘Oh yeah, that’s right,’ Tai says. ‘Sorry. I stuffed it up that day too, didn’t I? I remember you got really jacked off with me.’

  I think back to that day in first term when the other Pink girls and I entered the Starsearch competition. A guy with a clipboard had come around to let us know our band was on next. I didn’t really take much notice of him at the time. There was major drama going on between Lexi and Mia, and everyone was sniping at each other. So Clipboard Guy was actually Tai Sumner, the guy we’ve all spent the last few weeks watching play soccer? The guy Paige has one of her ‘exclusive’ crushes on? That is so weird!

  We sit there blinking at each other for a bit. Then Tai starts up again.

  ‘Anyway, you were all great. Are your friends trying out for this too?’

  ‘Sure are,’ Paige chimes in. ‘Me. And Jayde of course. And Bella.’

  Tai looks at Paige like she’s an annoying mosquito he wants to swat, then turns back to me.

  ‘I meant your other friends,’ he says. ‘The ones who were in the band with you.’

  ‘Oh,’ I say, flustered. Paige is so not going to be happy with me. But what can I do? I can’t help it if he’d rather talk to me than her. ‘Um, Lexi is. I don’t know about the others.’

  Paige moves along the bench towards us. ‘So how come you want to know? Does this mean you and Zac are going to be trying out too?’

  Tai laughs. ‘Zac? I don’t think so. Musicals aren’t really his thing. And I’m not planning on actually being in the play. I just promised Mr C I’d help him out with stuff again.’ He beams at us proudly. ‘He reckons he’s going to make me the assistant stage manager this time.’

  ‘Hey, that’s awesome,’ Paige says, tossing her hair. ‘Congratulations!’

  ‘Thanks,’ says Tai, his cheeks flushing slightly.

  Wow. Clipboard Guy. Who would have thought? I can’t believe I didn’t take more notice of him back then. Maybe he’s grown or something? Or been working out?

  I’m about to ask him more about the play when Jayde and Bella turn up.

  ‘Hey, Tai,’ Jayde purrs. ‘Zac not with you?’

  ‘Nah,’ Tai says, jutting his chin towards the oval. ‘He’s out with the rest of the guys. Which is where I should be right now.’ He jumps up, then smiles at me. ‘Maybe see you tomorrow, then, hey?’

  ‘Yeah, sure,’ I say, my eyes following him as he jogs off to the oval.

  ‘Yeah, sure,’ Paige mimics me as soon as he’s out of earshot, her voice all high and girly. Then it drops back to its normal tone. ‘Thanks a bunch, Al-ee-sha.’

  ‘We were just talking about the play,’ I tell her quickly. ‘It doesn’t mean I like him or anything.’

  ‘Yeah? Well, it better not,’ Paige says, her pretty face set in a scowl. ‘Okay? I thought you were supposed to be my friend.’

  ‘I am!’

  ‘Yeah? Well you don’t act like one. You know the rules.’

  ‘Ooh, cat fight,’ Bella says, curling her fingers like claws.

  Jayde’s eyes glitter. It’s almost like she’s enjoying this. Then she tilts her head to the left. ‘Hey, look, Alysha, here comes your little friend.’

  I follow her gaze. Stacey’s heading over this way, a big smile on her face.

  ‘She’s not my friend,’ I mutter. And then I realise something. What if Paige decides to drop me over the Tai thing? And replace me with Stacey. She wouldn’t, would she? Not a loser try-hard like Stacey. The others don’t even seem to like her that much …

  I watch as Stacey sits down on the bench next to Jayde. ‘You feeling okay now?’ she asks, her breathy voice full of concern.

  ‘Huh?’ Jayde says.

  Paige elbows her in the ribs.

  Jayde: Oh. You mean after my fainting thing this morning?

  Stacey: Yeah. I mean, I know you came back to class for science and everything but I just wanted to check, you know? I didn’t get a chance to see you guys at recess, because I had library duty, and then I was going to ask you in art, but even though I wanted to sit with you guys I got stuck on a different table, and then, just now, I – Jayde [holding up her hands]: It’s cool, Stace, you don’t need to explain. It’s just nice to know you care, okay?

  Stacey [beaming]: Yeah, well just so’s you know. And you’re okay now?

  Jayde: Yep. Last time I checked.

  Stacey: Oh, good. Hey, did I tell you? About my hair? Cos I was going to tell you this morning at recess but I haven’t had a chance yet.

  Jayde [sidelong smirk at Paige]: No. What?

  Stacey: I asked Mum last night and she says it’s okay if I get my hair cut like yours.

  Jayde: Seriously? That’s amazing! I’m really flattered.

  Paige [hurt tone]: So does that mean you don’t like my hairstyle?

  Stacey [loyally]: Oh, yours is great too, Paige. Either would be good.

  Nah, I think. Paige and Jayde don’t really like Stacey. They’re just playing with her. I need to show Paige I can do this kind of stuff too. Let them see how much they need me in their group.

  Me: How about mine? Or Bella’s. Are you saying you don’t like our hairstyles?

  Stacey: Sure. Of course! They’re all good.

  Me: But you can only have it cut like one of us. So which one’s it going to be, Stace? Jayde? Or Paige? Bella? Me? Who?

  Stacey looks confused. I almost feel sorry for her. She’s only trying to say the right thing, and fit in. I’ve been exactly where she is now a hundred times myself, not that I’d ever admit it to anyone. But my plan’s working. Paige is already smiling at me approvingly for the way I’ve managed to shut Stacey down. I decide to take it all a bit further, just to safeguard my own position. I secretly signal the others with my eyes to let them know I’m back on Stacey’s case. They send me back ‘go for it’ nods and smirks in return.

  Me: So, Stace. You going to come with us to the Drac auditions tomorrow?

  Stacey: Wow. That would be so cool. Yeah, I’d love to. Thanks, Alysha.

  Me [silkily]: I bet you’ve got a really good voice.

  Stacey: Nah. Well, it’s okay, I guess. My mum reckons it’s pretty good.

  Me: There you go! It must be good then. And you can dance really well too. I noticed that the other night at Carly’s party.

  Stacey: You did?

  Me: Oh yeah, sure. Heaps of people were watching you. Weren’t they, Paige?

  Paige: Oh, yeah. Heaps.

  Stacey: I’m not as good as you guys though. That dance routine you all did for the camp concert? That was amazing.

  Me: Yeah you are. You’re just being modest. Hey, I bet you like the same kind of music as us, too.

  Stacey: Yeah? Who’s your favourite singer?

  Me: Lolly Arkin.

  Stacey: Same!

  Paige: I like the Babydolls.

nbsp; Stacey: I love that band!

  I wink slyly at Jayde, letting her know I’m about to pull a scam on Stacey.

  Me: And Snoop Patrol? Do you like them too?

  Stacey [eagerly]: Oh sure. They’re my favourite. I play them all the time.

  Jayde: Come on, guys. The Babydolls? Snoop Patrol? They’re slack. Summer Meares is way better.

  Stacey: That’s what I reckon too!

  Me: See? I knew you’d like the same music as us. Hey, maybe you should … Nah … Stacey: What!?

  Me: Well, I thought maybe you … But you probably won’t want to … Stacey: Yes I would. What? Tell me!

  Yeah, what? What sneaky little trick can I play on her? It will have to be something really good, something that will get me totally back into Paige’s good books again. I stare out at the oval, watching as the guys run and jump for the ball. And then it comes to me. It’s very naughty, but funny too. For us, anyway.

  Me [smiling around at the others]: Well, we’re all planning on doing our camp concert dance routine at the play rehearsal tomorrow. Right, guys?’

  Bella [looking vague]: We are?

  Paige gets her elbow working again, sending Bella into a choking fit.

  Bella [spluttering]: I mean, we are.

  Me: So we thought, seeing as how you’re such a good dancer and everything …

  I pause and glance meaningfully at Paige, who thankfully picks up on my cue.

  Paige: Oh, totally.

  Me: Yeah, so anyway, we thought you might like to do it too.

  Stacey: Me? Dance with you guys? Oh, wow. That would be so cool.

  She beams around at us all. But then a worried look creeps over her face.

  Stacey: But isn’t the audition tomorrow?

  Me: Uh-huh.

  Stacey: But I don’t know any of the steps!

  Me: We’ll teach you.

  Stacey: Now?

  Me: Sure. Though I wouldn’t mind getting something to eat first.

  Paige: Me too. I’m starving. How about you, Bella?

  Bella: Yep. Starving.

  We all look at Stacey expectantly.

  Stacey [leaping up from the bench]: I could get us something from the canteen. What would you like? Ice-creams again?